Deep Within the Wood
Deep within the wood, much farther than I should
I see a light I see a smile my heart is like a bird
Soaring through the trees, I’m lost your all I need
Take me away its here I’ll stay in your realm of faerie,the realm of faerie
Then you come and kiss me as I fall into your sea
Waves of love and light appear as all familiar disappears
Following your song, ancient voices strong
Calling me through the undergrowth, opening into one
The harmonies of the spheres are ringing in my ears
Rising through the glowing sky into your atmosphere, your rarefied atmosphere
Then you come and kiss me as I fall into your sea
Waves of love and light appear as all familiar disappears
Through the Mists you take me by the hand, lead me through the land
Showing to me my greatest fears oh I can barely stand
I‘m down on my knees, your love it makes me bleed
You took everything and gave to me all I need… your all that I need!
Then you come and kiss me as I fall into your sea
Waves of love and light appear as all familiar disappears
© Michael Moon 2011
Touching Peace
Emeralds flicker through the trees
Sapphires sparkle on the breeze
The symphony of life sings through my heart
Deep within the temple green living pillars kiss the sky
Touching peace in whispering leaves
Diamonds dancing upon the seas
I too just a reflected little spark
Disappearing into the golden screen visions cross the windows of my eyes
Our time on this earth so short but sweet
Hold the precious jewel of this moment
The play of light upon the earth, tears, laughter, pain
Love before it’s gone
My lover is the open sky
Embraced by clouds as they float by
My heart beats in time with earth’s song
Her ephemeral changing shifting tides, life keeps moving never still
The delicate kiss of every flower
The stillness of this twilight hour
The radiant glow of each new dawn
Every moment I mourn the death of this and open up to each new bliss
Our time on this earth so short but sweet
Hold the precious jewel of this moment
The play of light upon the earth, tears, laughter, pain
Love before it’s gone
© Michael Moon 2009
Body Electric
I sing and dance with the wind
Move with the stars
The earth my lover, I feel her song
My blood her oceans,
My breath her air
My body the mountains, Her love is everywhere
She sings the body electric, this spiritual machine
Child of the earth and stars
Love is here
The vastness of space and time
Come together to make you mine
And now I wonder what we are
This random gathering of energy and mass
That gives these eyes to see and this mind to ask
Life is a circle, a never ending stream
We’re here together in this dream
We sing the body electric, this spiritual machine
Child of the earth and stars Love
We sing the body electric, this spiritual machine
Made of the earth and stars
Love is here
The Light of the world is in side of me
The Light of the world is in side of me
The Light of the world is in side of me
Blazing wild in this holy harmony
© Michael Moon 2010
Sky of Blue
A gentle breeze caressed my ears, whispered we need not fear
All the love and all the pain dissolve into the wind and rain
We are all born within this sky of blue
With each breath we share this sky of blue
We share the air we share the sun its light shines on everyone
Our bodies are made of water and earth there is no difference we all thirst
We share our breath with trees, it brings me to my knees
the beauty and the perfect harmony
We are all born within this sky of blue
With each breath we share this sky of blue
Like The vast oceans to the drops of rain, we are all the same
One expression of a living earth, many feathers of a soaring bird
The sun and the moon they dance in perfect circumstance
aligned in exquisite harmony
We are all born within this sky of blue
With each breath we share this sky of blue
We all Live within this sky of blue
With each breath we share this sky of blue
We are all born within this sky of blue
© Michael Moon 2011
One with you
As I walk upon the earth, you kiss my feet
I take you deep inside of me with everything I eat
Dancing with the trees the rocks and the green
I’m one with you
One with you, I’m one with you
Born from the seas, I flow with your tides
I sip from the stream and take you inside
Flowing in my blood your ocean of love
I’m one with you
One with you, I’m one with you
Breathing deep, in and out
My lungs are the trees inside out
I kiss the wind and the wind kiss me
As we breath
I’m one with you one with you
Fire is the spirit that animates me
From the sun to the spark of life that sets me free
Burning nerve from nerve the flesh from the word
I’m one with you
One with you, I’m one with you
One with you
©Michael Moon 2011
Hearts Beat As One
Fly away with me, over land and sea
To a place amongst the stars
Flying free, through the galaxy
See that little star that’s our home from afar
Feel the light shining down, feel the love all around
Feel your soul burn with the sun, Feel our hearts beat as one
Little speck of light, filled with so much life
Seems so fragile and small
Blue and green, brown and white
See the stars align on this holy night
You are Love you are the light, all the stars shine in your eyes
Feel your soul burn with the sun, Feel our hearts beat as one
Floating with you all, on this crystal ball
Spinning round a ball of fire
Sharing in this place, so full of grace
See the light shine through this rare and precious jewel
We are love we are the light let it shine through the night
Feel your soul burn with the sun, Feel our hearts beat as one
© Michael Moon July 2012
Who am I now that I am gone.
Everything beneath the sun
Who am I in this state of grace.
Everything gone without a trace
Gone into the light. Gone into the love
Everything moving nothing still,
Something calls from beyond the hills
Leaving behind all that I have known.
All my life is just this song
Gone into the light. Gone into the love
Gone to where the moment lives
and the condor flies and the heart it gives
hold me in your arms and let me fly
I can take you through the fear to the light in your eyes
High upon these lofty heights,
My cells dissolve into the light
I am here yet I am gone,
A speck of light upon the dawn
Gone into the light. Gone into the love
© Michael Moon 2009
Roots growing ever deeper
Roots growing ever stronger
Roots holding up the branches reaching high
Bare feet on earth deep within the forest
Standing where a deer just lay
Trees reaching all around me
Embracing the milkyway
Roots growing ever deeper
Roots growing ever stronger
Roots holding up the branches reaching high
Lost in the glory of a flower
I slip into the temple of the earth
Petals reaching out to bless me
Making love with the universe
Roots growing ever deeper
Roots growing ever stronger
Roots holding up the branches reaching high
As I stand here stretched between the earth and sky
My Heart is open wide
Awed by the beauty of a sunrise
Held by the earth and sky
Every cell is singing
There’s nothing left of me I am the light
Roots growing ever deeper
Roots growing ever stronger
Roots holding up the branches reaching high
As I stand here stretched between the earth and sky, my Heart is open wide
©Michael Moon 2009
La la la Love love La la la Love Love
This is the only home we’ll ever know
With the earth we live and her (waters we flow
precious jewel of blue green and white
the cycles of life the play of her light
Come back together as one we hold the whole world in our hands
La la la Love love La la la Love Love
Life’s but a field of radiant gold
so rare and so precious don’t let it be sold
Child of the forest, dancing with stars
Awaken the rhythm of life in our hearts
Come back together as one we hold the whole world in our hands
It’s breaking my heart the world is in trouble we’re falling apart
we are all wanting the same thing
reach out to each other and open your heart
La la la Love love La la la Love Love
To be kissed by the rain so much sweeter than wine
the passing of clouds blessed and divine
we’ve bin disconnected from the source of our life
were killing ourselves, and we know it’s not right
Come back together as one we hold the whole world in our hands
It’s breaking my heart the world is in trouble we’re falling apart
we are all wanting the same thing
reach out to the world and open your heart
La la la Love love La la la Love Love
La la la Love Love the earth
© Michael Moon 2009
Circle of One
The river is flowing flowing, flowing
The river is flowing flowing giving to the sea
We are part of a circle a circle a circle of one
We are part of a circle a circle a circle of one
The sea is rising, rising, rising kissing the sky
The sea is rising, kissing the sky
We are part of a circle a circle a circle of one
We are part of a circle a circle a circle of one
The Clouds are forming forming, forming
The Clouds are forming embracing the earth
We are part of a circle a circle a circle of the one
We are part of a circle a circle a circle of the one
The rain is falling falling, falling
The rain is falling blessing the earth
We are part of a circle a circle a circle of one
We are part of a circle a circle a circle of one
© Michael Moon 2012
All is One
All that we’ve made
All that we are
everything we’ve saved
Every planet every star
All things in time combine
The animals the trees
The flowers and the stones
The mountains and the seas
All we have known
All things in time combine
All that we love
All that we fear
Every country, every race
Every song, every tear
All things in time combine
All things in time combine
All is one all is one
All is one all is one …
© Michael Moon June 27 2012
Direction Invocation
East Earth Taurus the spring to grow,
new life born from the seeds we sow
Hey lenno hey ya, Hey lenno hey ya, hey he-hey ya 2x
West Water Scorpio fall to die,
surrender to the mystery the soul to fly
Hey yanna hey ya hey ya, hey yanna hey ya hey ya hey he-hey ya 2x
North Air winter Aquarius,
wisdom matures in a world at rest
Hey yanna hey ya hey ya, hey yanna hey ya hey ya hey he-hey ya 2x
South Fire summer the Lions play,
innocence light king of the day
Hey yanna hey ya hey ya, hey yanna hey ya hey ya hey he-hey ya 2x
The living cross awakens the gates open wide,
One with the circle bridging earth and sky
© Michael Moon 2009