Welcome to my music.
Click on each CD image and enjoy.
My ccnow shop no longer works for some reason. In the meantime you can still purchase the albums as high quality digital downloads through the links provided. If you would like CDs contact me here http://thetempleofsound.com/contact/ to say hi, work out an etransfer and get the CDs like we might at a show. (I can even sign them for you)
I am an independent artist and each CD sale helps me to create more music.
These CDs are not just music but healing tools expressed as a beautiful pieces of art and designed as a cohesive whole. The CDs are lovingly crafted with great attention to detail both musically and as a package. The music is available for download from both CD baby and I-Tunes but I prefer and recommend as the artist to get the CDs which have better audio quality and beautiful packaging which expresses and explains the healing journey each CD creates. The CDs can be put in the computer but will always be there as a backup when you want the better sound quality or if your computer gets a problem.
Thank you so much for your support!
A percentage of all CD sales is donated to organizations helping the planet.